Health insurance: Procedure upon arrival
This website supplements the binding information already provided by the FCS and Advisor Swiss Insurance. It describes the correct procedure with local authorities after entering Switzerland and provides guidance on what to do in the event of illness.
Target group
- This website is for Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship holders at ETH Zurich and within the ETH Domain (Eawag, Empa, WSL, PSI) who are arriving in Switzerland at the time of the scholarship start.
- If you are already in Switzerland and have taken out health insurance prior to the start of your scholarship, you must follow the instructions provided by FCS and Advisor and proactively communicate with the health authorities about any changes to your health insurance situation.
General key information
- Health insurance coverage is mandatory for any person residing in Switzerland for more than three months.
- The compulsory basic insurance covers medical treatment in the event of illness and accident.
- During or right after the registration with the residents’ registration office, you will be asked to provide information on your health insurance coverage to the municipal health authorities. The exact way in which insurance cover must be declared at your place of residence varies greatly, especially from canton to canton. You should therefore follow the information your receive upon registration and inform the municipal authorities on your insurance coverage in due time! Note: in the city of Zurich you will receive a letter to declare your health insurance coverage (Download see sample letters page 1 (PDF, 1.4 MB)).
- If you have an insurance that does not work under KVG law, you will need to apply for an exemption within 90 days after your arrival. This is the case for scholars using the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), the Advisor OPTIMA programme or any other insurance package for international students which does not operate under the Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG) but rather according to the "Federal Insurance Contract Act" (VVG) law.
- Should you fail to comply with the 90 days deadline to inform the authorities on your coverage and, if applicable, to apply for an exemption, you will be assigned a regular Swiss health insurance by the authorities. This is very expensive and you must pay for it yourself.
- Keep copies of all correspondence regarding health insurance matters.
Scholarship holders from EU/EFTA countries
Scholarship holders from EU/ EFTA countries are responsible for their own insurance coverage and all resulting costs. This applies to health and accident insurance as well as any other insurance type such as the strongly recommended personal liability insurance which is often offered as a combination of liability and household insurance.
Whether you are eligible for an exemption from compulsory insurance on the basis of your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), can take out an insurance package for international students under VVG law (exemption request also mandatory) or have to take out regular KVG health insurance depends on various factors such as:
- Outcome of the clarification regarding the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with your insurance company in your home country (to clarify before entering Switzerland according to FCS guidelines)
- Outcome of the clarification with the relevant Swiss authorities at your place of residence:
- Canton Zurich: external page SVA Zurich
- Other cantonal offices: see contact list on the external page website of the FOPH under "Documents > Cantonal institutions authorised to grant exemption from compulsory health-insurance" (if possible also to clarify before entering Switzerland according to FCS guidelines)
- Your scholarship type and the resulting status at ETH Zurich or within the ETH Domain (FCS visiting student, doctoral student at ETH Zurich, postdoc, other guest status)
- Additional income yes or no: An exemption with the EHIC is only possible for persons in education and training who are not gainfully employed. Gainful employment is defined as any work for remuneration, even if it is minimal (e.g. part-time job, doctorate, etc.).
- etc.
Helpful resources to inform yourself:
Note: You have a maximum of three months from your arrival in Switzerland to clarify, arrange and declare your health insurance cover. Make this a priority!
If you are unable to clarify your individual health insurance situation on your own, please send an email to the Reception Service at the latest after arrival in Switzerland providing information on the above mentioned factors and if applicable attaching a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) copy. The Reception Service can explain the exact procedure with the authorities as soon as it becomes clear which insurance solution applies to you.
Scholarship holders from non-EU/EFTA countries
You are usually insured through FCS with an Advisor Swiss Insurance programme and must follow the information you receive by them.
The following overview explains what you need to do when you arrive in Switzerland and how to deal with the local (health) authorities. The information applies primarily to scholars who take up residence in the canton of Zurich. Outside the canton of Zurich, carefully follow the instructions you receive from the resident’s registration office.
The Advisor OPTIMA programme operates under the "Federal Insurance Contract Act" (VVG) law. An application for exemption from compulsory health insurance is required.
- Follow the instructions of Advisor to obtain your Advisor OPTIMA policy.
- Once you have received your Advisor OPTIMA policy, you must inform the local health authorities at your place of residence. If you reside:
- In the city of Zurich: you must respond to the letter sent to you (Download download sample letters page 1 (PDF, 1.4 MB)) by completing step 3 as soon as possible.
Forward the automatic reply from SVA Zurich to as described in step 5 (below) and enclose your ADVISOR Optima policy.
It is not possible to upload an ADVISOR Optima policy directly via the QR code or the link provided in the letter.
- Outside the city of Zurich: Either bring or email a copy of your health insurance policy to the residents' registration office at your place of residence.
- In the city of Zurich: you must respond to the letter sent to you (Download download sample letters page 1 (PDF, 1.4 MB)) by completing step 3 as soon as possible.
- In parallel to step 2 (on the same day), apply to SVA Zurich for exemption from compulsory health insurance.
- After the submission of your application, you will receive an automatic reconfirmation email from SVA Zurich. (Check your spam folder if you do not see in your inbox.)
- Forward the confirmation email from SVA Zurich with the the following information first name and family name, date of birth, complete living address in Switzerland to:
- (if you live in the city of Zurich), or
- the correct email of the residents' registration office at your place of residence (if your live outside the city of Zurich).
- (if you live in the city of Zurich), or
- By forwarding the confirmation email, you will have informed the city / municipality that your exemption application to SVA Zurich has been submitted. This should prevent them from sending you any further reminders to declare your health insurance.
The Advisor HMO programme with a Groupe Mutuel policy complies with the Swiss Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG). An exemption request is therefore not needed.
- Follow the instructions of Advisor to obtain your Advisor HMO policy.
- If you reside:
- In the city of Zurich: Follow the instructions in the letter sent to you (Download see sample letters page 1 (PDF, 1.4 MB)). As this is a KVG-compliant policy, you can simply use the QR code or the link provided to upload your policy.
- Outside the city of Zurich: Either bring or email a copy of your health insurance policy to the residents' registration office at your place of residence.
- The declaration process ends here. Make sure you get confirmation that the process is complete.
If for personal reasons (i.e. family reunification) you do not wish to be insured through FCS with Advisor Swiss Insurance, you must inform FCS and the Reception Service immediately.
It is your responsibility to take out adequate health insurance and inform the health authorities correctly.
Helpful resources to inform yourself:
Note: You have a maximum of three months from your arrival in Switzerland to clarify, arrange and declare your health insurance cover. Make this a priority!
Exemption request
This information is intended for scholars living in the canton of Zurich who need to apply to the relevant cantonal office and be aware of the deadlines.
Detailed information on how to complete the SVA Zurich exemption request form can be found on a dedicated website. Note that this information is primarily for international Bachelor's and Master's students at ETH Zurich. However, the information also applies to Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship holders, with a few deviations described below.
Step by step instructions
Prepare scans of the following documents before you start the online exemption request (open table under external page Who can be exempted from compulsory insurance > Persons staying for education or training purposes):
- Copy of your full health insurance policy or your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with front and back page merged with your official FCS notification letter (p. 1-2) as one PDF file. This is the easiest way to ensure that you have space to upload the FCS notification letter which matters.
- Confirmation of the educational institution
- FCS visiting students and doctoral students: Download Download your confirmation of matriculation in myStudies (PDF, 118 KB).
- If you are eligible to apply for an exemption as a postdoc: Use your official FCS notification letter and your confirmation of acceptance at ETH Zurich as proof that you are still in education and training.
- Copy of your residence permit (front and back page) or if not yet available: confirmation of registration ("Meldebest?tigung")
- Should you be additionally employed – work contract!
- Confirmation of Form A is not necessary for recognised student insurance companies such as Advisor Swiss Insurance.
Go to "Exemption process within the Canton of Zurich" and select:
- With an European Health Insurance Card (and GHIC Card) – if you can use the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) as a non-employed scholar in education and training – fill in the exemption request following the detailed instruction under the letter A.
- With a new Swiss student health insurance without income – if you have an Advisor OPTIMA policy and no supplementary income (applies also to any other student health insurance package under VVG law) – fill in the exemption request following the detailed instruction under the letter B.
- With a new Swiss student health insurance with income – if you have an Advisor OPTIMA policy and receive a supplementary income (applies also to any other student health insurance package under VVG law) i.e. all doctoral students – fill in the exemption request following the detailed instruction under the letter B.
Although you will mostly be able to follow the precise instructions under the letter A respectively B, please make your own judgements where appropriate during the application process. Here are some examples:
- Type of residence permit – it is best to wait until you have received your residence permit. However, if this is too late, it is better to enter "unknown" when you apply and upload the confirmation of registration ("Meldebest?tigung")
- Type of education:
- FCS visiting students = students
- Doctoral students = PhD students
- Postdocs = other, add Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship as educational programme
- Under "support benefits" you would usually choose none.
- There is a comments box at the end of the application. Please mention, among other comments, that you are a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship holder in education and training and the start date of your scholarship.
You must monitor the outcome of your request.
It is very important that you watch out for the SVA Zurich decision which is sent by email and that you check your email spam folder regularly. Download and save (!) the Download decision letter (PDF, 1.4 MB) (letter 6) as soon as you receive it and forward a copy to the Reception Office.
The procedure is not complete until you receive the final decision on your exemption request from SVA Zurich. This can take several months.
Should you receive a negative reply, see Download sample letters (PDF, 1.4 MB) (letter 4 and 5), you must notify ADVISOR Swiss Insurance, FCS and the Reception Office immediately. If you do not do so, you might be automatically insured by the residents' registration office at your place of residence.